throwback: applying for the dream job

(all throwback posts feature projects I did years ago, but have stuck with me as favorites)

r e a l   t a l k ... this was the most effort I ever put into submitting an application and portfolio for a job. But, I was applying for my dream job working for David Stark Design and I needed to impress them. Let's rewind to Summer 2011 and the time I built a box to mail my portfolio and resume to Brooklyn for their open position. 

the good news: the lead designer called me when they received my application/box and I got an interview

the bad news: I didn't take my fun application box back home with me after the interview (they even offered!)

the worse news: I didn't get the job and was basically devastated 

In hindsight, I can imagine how young I must have appeared interviewing in such an established, renowned design agency. AND, I'm sure some of my youth translated into a desperation to work for their company (which isn't always cute). However, I was still so proud of myself for putting all of my energy behind my application and interview preparation for the few weeks leading up to the studio visit. I knew it was a big deal to even get that callback. 

APPLICATION BOX MATERIALS:  1/2" plywood  //  door hinges  //  tape measure "pull"  //  hand bound portfolio book (museum board cover and digitally printed pages assembled accordion style)  


(and David Stark, I'd move back to NYC in a minute to work for you if you're ever interested in talking again!)

Katie Lampe