uo athens x creature comforts brewery

In the Fall of 2016, UO opened a new store in the beautiful city of Athens, Georgia. I was very fortunate to get to work with the Events team from Home Office to help organize an oversized opening party at Creature Comforts Brewery. Nearly all of the details were solidified by the events team, but I got the opportunity to go to the party and bring a few of my direct reports to help with the setup. 

Once we arrived at the brewery, our team was responsible for adding our branding to the stage where Unknown Mortal Orchestra was performing later that night (!!!). We also added balloons and string lights outside Creature Comforts for the party. Inside the brewery, I directed the setup for the Dreamers and Doers Marketplace event. The vendors, who were all local artisans that UO invited to sell their goods during the event (UO takes no profits -- all money made goes directly back to the artists). I directed the fixture and branding placement, and added flowers throughout to brighten the marketplace.  

Most of the photos below were taken by Ian Abineri, and the Events coordinator of the entire event was Meaghan Creamer. However, I really did enjoy the small role I was allowed to serve in the success of this amazing opening event! 

Katie Lampe