Ring the bell! Chili is served! Our third year participating in Atlanta’s famous chili cookoff was our best yet.

Every year I change the recipe slightly and try something new. For 2022, I experimented with making my own chili paste to influence the heat, and it was an awesome addition. I also started using tomato paste and beef bullion to sauté the onions in, which really did add more depth. The recipe and cook are mostly muscle memory for Justin and me at this point. Plus, we fit in 3 practice rounds this year before the final go for Chomp & Stomp.

We did 4 back-to-back chili-making sessions the night before the competition. Each round has 4-5 pounds of meat so we have to work in stages to meet the cookoff requirements (at least 5 gallons). We finished with about 8 gallons to serve this year.

The day of the competition has turned into a full family affair. My dad and brother both help Justin dish and serve the chili, and as the chef, I bring the vibes by playing host of the booth. We keep the cooler full of beer for our friends and fans, and of course … the Tums are free for all.

Katie Lampe